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View detailsXinhai mineral processing equipment mainly include: grinding equipment, flotation equipment, dewatering equipment, magnetic separation equipment, and so on. Some of the equipment is Xinhai independent research and development, and has been awarded national patent. View details
Gold CIP Production Line adsorbs gold from cyaniding pulp by active carbon including 7 steps: leaching pulp preparation, cyaniding leaching, carbon adsorption, gold loaded carbon desorption, pregnant solution electrodeposit, carbon acid regeneration, leaching pulp. View details
Home Xinhai News How to maintain round vibrating screen in mineral processing
Round vibrating screen is widely employed in mineral processing for screening different size ore. It plays an important role in the whole processing line. So correct operation and maintenance of round vibration screen guarantees the smooth operation of the whole process line.
1. What are the operating points of round vibrating screen?
(1)The operator should read the on-duty records and generally inspect the equipment before work. Check tension degree of triangular belt, oil level of vibrators, tension degree of the screen surface, fastening degree of the bolts and damage degree of screen surface.
(2)The starting of vibrating screen should follow the processing sequence.
(3) The vibrating screen work operation, to use visual, auditory examination exciter and a screen box work. Application of vibration sieve hand after parking near the touch the bearing cover, check the bearing temperature rise.
(4)Stopping feeding after stopping the vibrating screen
(5)When hand over, operators should write the technology condition of vibrating screen and faults on the on-duty records. It should mark out the injury types of components and the date of adding oil.
2. The check and storage of vibrating screen before installing.
Round vibrating screen should be assembled finely and have no loading test. After the vibrating screen shipped to the using site, the user should check the completeness of the components and technical documents according to the packing list and invoice of complete sets equipment.
When equipment arriving at the site, it cannot be directly put on the ground, but be smoothly placed on the flat crosstie without less than 250mm distance from the ground. If the equipment is stored in the open site, it should be covered cloth to prevent wind and rain erosion.
3. The daily check of round vibrating screen
Check before starting:
(1)Check the coarse and fine mesh
(2)Check the clamps
(3)Check the V type circle on the vibrating screen flame.
Check in operating:
(1)Abnormal noise
(2)Electric current
(3)Normal vibration
Please clean the screen mesh after finishing working.
4. How to regularly maintain the round vibrating screen?
Regular inspection of round vibrating screen is very important. Operator should periodically check the coarse mesh, fine mesh, spring and all parts of the body. It should be added lubricant in the place needing lubricate.
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