Home Videos EPC Grinding Machine, Grinding process of Lead-zinc Beneficiation Plant in Tibet

Grinding Machine, Grinding process of Lead-zinc Beneficiation Plant in Tibet

2016-08-22   XinHai    Views (2206)

Grinding Machine Used For Gold Ore Grinding, Grinding process of Lead-zinc Beneficiation Plant in Tibet, Xinhai.

La Norma lead zinc mine, located in Kare Town, Chamdo County, Tibet Autonomous Region, is a 600 thousand t/a plant EPC project undertook by Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology & Equipment Inc. The whole plant is composed of four workshops including crushing & screening workshop, grinding workshop, flotation workshop and concentrate dehydration workshop.

In grinding workshop, 1-phase grinding & classifying technological process is used for grinding workshop.

The materials are fed into ball mill by belt from fine ore bin and the feed size is -12mm. They are crushed by the falling impacts and autogenous grinding of the steel balls and ores in the cylinder. Duo to the continuously feeding materials the pressure pushes materials to the outlet and the grinded materials are discharged from the cylinder outlet. Through cylinder screen, the unqualified products in discharged materials return ball mill for regrinding and the qualified ones are transported to hydrocyclones by slurry pump. The coarse particles rotate outside under large centrifugal force; finally, the setting and is discharged; the fine particles rotate above the center under small centrifugal force; finally, the overflow is discharged. The setting sand returns ball mill for regrinding and the overflow becomes the qualified product of grinding phase.

Watch the 3D demo video and see how the process proceeds.

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