Providing optimized solutions for your mine, one-stop service for mineral processing plant!
View detailsXinhai mineral processing equipment mainly include: grinding equipment, flotation equipment, dewatering equipment, magnetic separation equipment, and so on. Some of the equipment is Xinhai independent research and development, and has been awarded national patent. View details
Gold CIP Production Line adsorbs gold from cyaniding pulp by active carbon including 7 steps: leaching pulp preparation, cyaniding leaching, carbon adsorption, gold loaded carbon desorption, pregnant solution electrodeposit, carbon acid regeneration, leaching pulp. View details
Home Xinhai News Green mine is increasingly important
On April 18, the ministry of land and resources announced the second list of test units of green mine, which is a prelude to promote the construction of green mines in China.
Resource exhaustion becomes an serious problems in the world, especially the mineral resources. The mineral is non-renewable resources. And in mining, there is electricity consumption and environmental resources consumption. Especially in China, some mine owners pursue the short-term benefits in spite of environment and resource. Thus, the environment is greatly damaged. Since world war II in the western countries, they have realized such problems that people are desperately consuming the environment. If no ways to solve, one day the resources on the earth will be exhausted. Therefore, a variety of theoretical discussions, scientific research, technical innovation and political direction are in progress to protect the environment and guarantee the sustainable utilization of resources. Thus, carrying on green mine construction is becoming more and more important.
There are strict requirement in building green mines, so a company without real strength can not meet these requirements.
In the comprehensive utilization of resources, the government encourages companies to innovate their technologies and products. And the equipment needs to save the resources, protect the environment and save energy,etc.
In the innovation of technologies, mining industries are asked to invest no less than 1% of total output in the scientific innovation. In addition, the process also needs to improve and optimize. Those companies should pay more attention to the scientific progress and develop recycling economy.
In energy-saving, try to boost the utilization of tailings. Tailings can pollute our environment and bring bad impacts to us. So tailings disposal is extremely significant.
It seems easy. Actually, there are fewer companies with such kind of anility. Take Xinhai as an example. Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery Co.,Ltd. is founded with the effort of elites of various fields and mainly consists of personnels from scientific research department. Through 20 years; development, it has become a company with strongest comprehensive power and biggest scale among the private mining machinery factories.
Xinhai Mining Group Company has more than ten subsidiary companies including Xinhai, China Nonmetal Finishing Group and Yantai Xinhai Automatic Control Company and so on. Besides, it is also the first to start up the one-stop service of mineral processing research, mine design, equipment manufacture, installation & debug, technology adjusting & testing, personnel training. It has completed more than 200 projects.
The current situation of mining machinery industry is mostly promising, but for the small and middle mining machinery companies, they meet very serious situation. The detailed different situation as f... [more]
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