Home Videos EPC Sudan ALITMAD700tpd Gold Ore Processing Plant

Sudan ALITMAD700tpd Gold Ore Processing Plant

2016-05-31   XinHai    Views (964)

Sudan ALITMAD700tpd Gold Ore Processing Plant, Xinhai

Sudan ALITMAD700tpd Gold Ore Processing Plant, covered mining & beneficiation and combined the solution of gravity separation and CIP, which received a high recovery rate of 92.5%. The gold output can reach 37,000 Ounce per year in forecast, the sales revenue can get $ 41 million , and the profits reached $ 14 million.

The perfect completion of Sudan project shows the incomparable superiority of Xinhai EPC.

From the minerals processing test, mine design, equipment manufacturing to installation&commissioning, workers training. Xinhai technicians take charge of all the steps in the gold minerals dressing plant.

Mine design, an vital part of Sudan gold mineral processing EPC plant, Xinhai Mining Design Institute with Class A Certification made field survey to the surroundings such as terrains, waters and power supply, then designed the construction drawing elaborately and gave 3D simulation based on the processing flowchart and the equipment selection mine processing test provided.

The whole processes includes the crushing, screening, grinding ,classifying and dewatering ,etc.

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