Home Xinhai News Xinhai:Do you really know mineral process test?

Xinhai:Do you really know mineral process test?

2016-12-09   XinHai    Views (2529)
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Mineral processing test is an important  part of Xinhai mineral processing plant, which is also the technology base of  construction and production of the plant. Xinhai mineral processing test can  meet customers’ needs on the range of depth, breadth and precision.

On the one hand, carry out mineral  processing test is a significant technology base of providing mineral  processing services like mine design, mine reconstruction, resource evaluation  in multi-level. On the other hand, mineral processing test is the only way for  customer to invest and develop mine resource properly, as well as avoid  technological risks.

So, how many things do you know about the  mineral processing test?

The followings are conversations between the  reporter and operator from Xinhai mineral processing test lab. You can get a  comprehensively understanding of mineral processing test.

Q: we find some customer don not think it  is necessary to do the mineral processing test, what do you think?

Truly, some customers are resist of mineral  processing test, they think it is unimportant or unnecessary, maybe they are  concern about the test cost or other reasons. First of all, we should have an  objective understanding of the test. Mineral processing test is an important as  well as the only way to decide the mineral processing solutions and separation  index.  Though mineral processing can refer  to the same ore and same scale mine that has developed before, the mineral  processing solutions are vary from ore to ore due to different ore natural  endowment and geographical area. Therefore, “when the date of the mine put into  operation is the date of reconstruction” always happens in mineral market.

Therefore, on the base of scientific,  objective and responsible

Attitude, mineral processing solutions  recommended by Xinhai mineral processing services, especially mineral  processing plant services, are provided by related mineral processing study and  detailed contrast of mineral processing solutions.

So here I truly recommend except  experiences, we should mind the technological and necessities of mineral  processing test, which can make significance active effect on avoiding risks,  cut operation cost and improve yields.

Q: How many minerals sample should we  provided for the test?

Mineral weight for experiment is differs  from ore to ore due to ore types and experiment scale. Except for some special  ore with low grade, 30kg to 50kg is the proper range.

Q: why need 30kg to 50kg? Isn’t it too  weight?

There are 3 to 5 experiment sites when  process one conditional experiment, every site need 500g to 1000g mineral  sample, while there are needed many conditional experiment of one complete  mineral processing test, therefore, a systematically mineral processing test  needed 30kg to 50kg mineral samples.

Q: do you have any suggestions for  guarantee the representativeness of the mineral sample?

There are several aspects that we need to  be attention in the process of sampling.

Numbers of sampling sites

The number of sampling site should be as  much as possible, but also should take care of the construction conditions. Sampling  sites numbers for industrial grade or natural types should not less than 3~5;

Arrangement  of sampling site

Arrangement of sampling site should base on  the comprehensive study of mineral deposits, and mainly decided on the  requirements of the representative sample. Sampling sites should representative  the ore characteristics and has high quality of original exploration. Construction  and transportation conditions also should be taken into consideration. We  should make full use of the existing exploration engineering (tunnel or drill  core) to sampling, and avoid digging special sampling works;

Effective control of sampling sites

Sampling should chose exploration  engineering that has high industrial grades and natural types, as well as the  most complete one, therefore, more numbers of sampling sites can arrange within  limited sampling engineering. Sampling sites should be approximately distribute  in various parts of ore body. Sampling sites should arrange at both ends and  the middle site along the direction of the ore body and at surface, shallow and  deep part along the inclined direction of ore body. However, when the ore body  is very large, such as the aforementioned, stage sampling  should take into consideration, that is to  say, sampling site should be mainly arranged in the previous section of the  mining area;

Since customer should take responsible for  the ore sampling, so under normal conditions, in order to ensure the  representativeness of the sample, we recommend that customers employ  professional personnel to operate.

Approaching Xinhai Laboratory

Mineral dressing test is in the charge of  Mineral Dressing Research Institute belonging to Xinhai Company, which is made  up of mineral processing laboratory and mineral research laboratory. Here,

Our technician can do beneficiation test for  more than 70 kinds of minerals, and provide reliable mineral processing  solutions.

Mineral dressing test

Xinhai advances dressing and smelting  engineer is orderly doing the test for flotation condition.

Mineral dressing test

Our tester is carefully weighing the simple  of our clients.

Mineral dressing test

Though analysis of atomic absorption  spectrophotometer, we can accurately analyze the metal elements in the ore  samples of clients.

Mineral dressing test

According different mineral processing  solution, we need to prepare different quantitative reagents to ensure that the  integrity of the test.


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